笔趣阁 > :我是谁: > 第48章 猎毒之师

第48章 猎毒之师

笔趣阁 www.xbqg8.com,最快更新:我是谁: !





    看了一眼那档案上他熟悉的面孔道:“Is this providence?(难道这是天意?)”他苦笑着摇了摇头。他怎么都没想到,自己会被逼的启用档案上这个曾经被FbI辞退的警察。

    “Young man, I can only rely on you, don't let me down!(年轻人,只能靠你了,不要让我失望!)”老警长望着档案上的警员照片道。


    “Greg, it's great to have you always by your side, but what about your police dream? that was your childhood wish, and it was also your father's expectation of you.(格雷格,能有你一直陪在身边真好,可是,你的警察梦怎么办?那可是你从小的志愿,也是你父亲对你的期望。)”金发少女道。

    “Get out of his police dream, I want to live for myself and also for you!(滚他的警察梦吧,我要为自己而活,也是为了你!)”格雷格道。

    “that's really a pity. You have all the skills, but now you're only willing to be a private detective.(那可真是太可惜了,你可是有一身的本领啊,现在却只甘心做一个私人侦探。)”金发少女道。

    “private detectives are also good. Although they don't have much work to take on, they are enough to support us both.(私人侦探也不错啊,虽然接的工作不多,但养活咱们两个已经足够了。)”格雷格笑道。

    “I don't want you to feed me. I have a job, and I'm not a pig!(我才不要你养活,我有工作的,我又不是猪!)”金发少女假装生气道。

    “I said the wrong thing. I have to rely on you to make ends meet, okay? who caused my detective agency to be in a slump!(是我说错话了,是我要靠你养活行了吧,谁让我的侦探社不景气呢!)”格雷格笑道。

    “okay, I support you. Even if your detective agency goes bankrupt, I will support you for the rest of my life!(好啊,我养活你,就算你的侦探社倒闭了,我也一辈子都养着你!)”金发少女微笑道。

    “So I'm not afraid anymore. with you as a little rich woman raising me, what are you still afraid of? Ginny, you're so kind!(那我就不怕了,有你这个小富婆养着我还怕什么?金妮,你真好!)”格雷格道。


    “Greg, long time no see!(格雷格,好久不见!)”从车上下来的就是那位老警长。

    “Sheriff marx, what are you doing here? Are you here to mock me?(马克思警长,你来干什么?你是来嘲笑我的吗?)”格雷格冷冷地道。

    “Greg, the past is over, now miami needs you, Florida needs you!(格雷格,以前的事过去了,现在迈阿密需要你,佛罗里达需要你!)”马克思警长道。

    “what do you think I am? Is it a ball? e to me if you need it, and kick it away if you don't need it!(你当我是什么?皮球吗?用的着就来找我,用不着就一脚踢开吗!)”格雷格生气地道。

    “Greg, I had already anticipated this oute, but for miami and Florida as a whole, my face is not much. As long as you are willing to help, even if you let me kneel for you now, I am willing to do so.(格雷格,其实这个结果我早已预料到了,但是对于整个迈阿密,整个佛罗里达来说,我的面子并不算什么,只要你肯出手帮忙,你现在就算让我给你下跪我也愿意。)”马克思警长十分诚恳地道。

    “Sorry, I can't promise you, I have other things to do!(对不起,我不能答应你,我还有别的事情要做!)”格雷格决绝地道。

    “If you still can't let go of the past, then I won't force you either. however, as the sheriff of miami, I feel it's necessary to explain the current situation to you.(如果你还是放不下过去的话,那我也不勉强,只是,我觉得做为迈阿密的警长,我有必要向你说明现在的情况。)”顿了一下,马克思警长继续道:“Now a group of outlaws have fled from New mexico to our place. It is said that they have done all kinds of evil along the way, burning, killing, and looting. Along the way, they are constantly absorbing new forces to strengthen their influence, and I believe their arrival will also cause disasters here. they call themselves' poison hunters', which is their symbol.(现在有一群亡命之徒从新墨西哥州流窜到了咱们这里,据说他们这一路烧杀掳掠无恶不做,并且这一路上他们还在不断的吸取新的力量来壮大他们的势力,相信他们的到来也会给咱们这里造成灾难。他们称自己为‘猎毒师’,这是他们的标志。)”说着,马克思警长将一张带有纹身图案的照片递到了格雷格的面前。


    “Greg, if you see someone with this pattern on their body, please notify me immediately. of course, if you change your mind, you can also e to me. You know where to find me!(格雷格,如果看到身上纹有这种图案的人,请立刻通知我,当然,如果你改变主意的话也可以来找我,你知道在哪里可以找到我!)”马克思警长说完后转过身像是说给格雷格听,又像是自言自语道:“I guess I can't do it, but what's the solution? If someone doesn't want to help, then I can only go on my own. the big deal is to die, anyway, I won't be the only one to die. what am I afraid of!(我猜我一定不行的,可是又有什么办法呢?人家不愿帮忙,那我就只能自己上咯,大不了就是死嘛,反正到时候死的又不是我一个,我怕什么呀!)”


    “Greg, maybe this is an opportunity!(格雷格,也许这是一个机会!)”金妮道。

    “what opportunity?(什么机会?)”格雷格道。

    “what a chance to bee a police officer again!(重新做回警察的机会啊!)”金妮道。

    “I think it's another chance to mock me, right?(我看是又一次嘲笑我的机会吧?)”格雷格道。

    “Greg, you can't blame all your past mistakes on Sheriff marx alone. It was because of your violent law enforcement that the FbI investigated you repeatedly. If you could change your bad temper, you would still be an excellent police officer!(格雷格,你不能把过去的错全都怪在马克思警长一个人的身上,当初也是因为你暴力执法而屡遭投诉,所以FbI才对你进行了调查,如果能改改你的坏脾气你还是一名很优秀的警察的!)”金妮道。

    “Ginny, even you think I'm wrong?(金妮,连你也觉得是我错了?)”格雷格有些失望地道。

    “how can a person be perfect? If you make a mistake and correct it, it would be great!(人哪有十全十美的呢?犯了错改了不就好了!)”金妮道。





    “Is this the sky trying to destroy me?(难道这是天要灭我吗?)”美国偷猎者的心里暗暗叫道。



    “Ginny, why haven't you left yet?(金妮,你怎么还不走?)”教堂的神父走过来问道。

    “I want to familiarize myself with this newly written hymn, after all, tomorrow I will have to acpany and lead on the piano.(我想把这首新写的圣歌再熟悉熟悉,毕竟明天我还要用钢琴伴奏和领唱呢。)”金妮微笑道。

    “Ginny, you are so hardworking. God will bless you!(金妮,你真勤劳,上帝会祝福你的!)”神父道。

    “Yes, Father Elton, and I hope God will take care of you, kind Elton!(是的,艾尔顿神父,也希望上帝会眷顾你,善良的艾尔顿!)”金妮微笑道。



    “help, help!(救命啊,救命啊!)”随着敲门声,外面还响起了一个女人歇斯底里的呼救声。



    “please, help us quickly. Someone is chasing us!(求你了,快救救我们,有人在追杀我们!)”妇女一脸惊恐地道。

    “You guys?(你们?)”听妇女这么说,金妮好奇地向外面望了望,可她只看到了这名妇女一个人,并没有看到别人。

    “And my daughter, because someone was chasing us later, I hid her alone first. could you please e with me to find my daughter back?(还有我女儿,因为后面有人追我们,所以我就把她一个人先藏起来了。请随我一起把女儿找回来好吗?)”妇女央求道。


    “thank you, you are such a kind person!(谢谢,你真是个好心人!)”妇女感激地道。



    “Laura, Laura!(劳拉,劳拉!)”妇女轻声叫道。



    “haha... is this your mother? She's very beautiful!(哈哈……这是你的妈妈吗?她很漂亮!)”一名男子下流地笑道。

    可当他的目光移动到金妮的身上时,那男子更是激动不已地叫道:“oh, this blonde girl is even better. I'm going to get her!(哦,这个金发的女孩更好,我要定她了!)”
